Wednesday, February 13, 2008

To the Left, To the Left.....

Everybody sing along!

Yes, that's right, I've been singing the Beyonce song over and over in my head so that I might remember to drive on the LEFT side of the road when I get my car in the next day or two!! So, I'm thinking the more people that I can get to sing along with me, no matter how far away you are, it will become the choir of angels in my head and hopefully behind the wheel and on these crazy roads once I get on them.

Wish me well, and remember......To the Left, To the Left.........

Come on Indiana, I can't hear you!!!!! I need to hear some feedback!!! How about some comments here. Give me a little "To the Left, To the Left"!!!! Just click on Comment!!!!

I sure could use it!



Paul B said...

Hi LaShona,

Thanks for creating a blog with photos and sound bites. You give us a great feeling for what life is like for you now in S. Africa.

Getting organized is always time consuming, often frustrating, and typically takes twice as long as projected. As you said in your comments, however, take one step and one day at a time will eventually get you there. I have heard that singing "To the Left" helps a little bit also, especially if sung with gusto.

The terrain reminds me of our trip through Kenya several years ago. Those great fares on SAA look very tempting.

Keep up the good work!

Paul Bippen

Paul B said...

Hi LaShona,

Thanks for creating a blog with photos and sound bites. You give us a great feeling for what life is like for you now in S. Africa.

Getting organized is always time consuming, often frustrating, and typically takes twice as long as projected. As you said in your comments, however, take one step and one day at a time will eventually get you there. I have heard that singing "To the Left" helps a little bit also, especially if sung with gusto.

The terrain reminds me of our trip through Kenya several years ago. Those great fares on SAA look very tempting.

Keep up the good work!

Paul Bippen

Jan Armstrong said...

Hey LaShona! Are you really posting at 3:02 AM, or is my computer translating S Africa time to Indiana time?
Pictures are beautiful. Looks like Tucson or so California. More arid than I'd expected.
I thought us old codgers got price breaks and such, not penalties! What's fair about that???
Good luck with leftiness.

Anonymous said...

Left, Left, Left, not right, left. and so on. Good to hear from you kiddo. Wish you a great time in your studies and new environment. If possible or you would like to send me your mailing address and a list of itmes you would like to have from home. Will do my best to get things for you. more later as I am going to bed now. Love, Allen and Terri

Linda Knight said...

No La Shona, not your other right, not your other right!!!! I wish I was there with you when you start driving. I miss you but know that you are having the time of your life. Thanks for the pictures and updates. Take care.

Linda Knight

Phil said...

Hi Pickle, To the left, To the left, stay to the left . Debby and I are enjoying your blog. Miss you here in Indiana. Everyone has asked about you! Sounds like your having a time. Stay on your feet,and stay to the left!!!

God bless, Phillip, Debby and Tanner

David S Staggs said...

Hey LaShona
Sounds like you are having the time of your life. Just stay to the left,or some were in between ha ha. The pictures are great.Wish I was there. Mollie,and Kieghan say hello, or should I say Meow. They have been on safari most of the day. Then they come in and want to be spoiled.I wonder how they got that way. Stay with it. Take baby steps.You will do great. We all have faith. Seeing Africa through your eyes is really cool.