Monday, February 4, 2008

It's a Small World After All...

Well, today was my "first day on campus" for orientation!

Here's what I learned today:

  • I don't know my metric system, and it sure would come in handy about now!

  • A lecture hall here is called a Theatre--imagine my surprise when there was no production!

  • You don't wait in "line", you wait in the "que"---reminds me of my Disney days

  • Iced tea is still served in a can

  • Look right, left, then right again before crossing the street, and don't expect the traffic to stop for you

  • Marcel's yogurt is awesome!

  • That no matter where in the world you take classes, the first week is always crazy, and you're never where your supposed to be when you're supposed to be--that's a universal thing!

  • You can make friends anywhere in the world

  • No matter where you go, someone always knows someone, who knows happened just today.......It really is a small world we live in!

Today was a pretty good day of getting out and seeing a bit of campus and meeting some new people. I think I actually saw a couple of students that fell into my age group! So, I didn't feel like the oldest one on campus.

I met a girl named Anna, originally from Ontario, but now living on the Isle of Mann, who had just done some work at an orphanage in Johannesburg. She and I became fast friends and spent the afternoon at the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront (V&A Waterfront) where the seals had come to take a bit of a rest.

Also, yesterday, Sunday, I worked my first Rotary event and enjoyed a lovely outdoor event called Opera in a Convent Garden. It was an outdoor concert of opera and popular songs performed in a beautiful outdoor garden of a private school. People brought their picnics and enjoyed the scenery and music. I helped to run the Opera Cafe with other scholars and Rotary members to raise money for Habitat for Humanity.

Below is a short video of a couple of youngsters enjoying the music!

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