Thursday, February 21, 2008

Look Right, Then Left, Then Right Again.....

and again, and again! That's what you do when crossing the street on foot or in a car turning Right!!!

Well, thanks to everyone who gave me words of support for getting my car home and driving around on the left, left, left, side of the road. Keep sending your words of encouragement, as they are certainly good to hear and are working wonders.

I have managed to make it through my first week of classes, and have driven myself, in my own car, a 1994 Nissan Sentra, found parking, and found my way back to John & Kay's without getting lost. Granted I didn't always go back the way that John did, but I found my way back just fine...maybe a bit more scenic, but fine none the less.

The most trouble I had was getting out of John and Kay's driveway the first morning, as I had to back out on a busy road during the morning traffic. And as I sat and sat and sat, waiting for an opening, I see John coming running past my car window, out into the middle of the road and like a New York cop, stop both lanes of traffic, and away I went! Thanks John, or I may have still been sitting there!!! Those Rotarians are quite amazing, eh?

I am still hunting for accommodations, but am getting closer I know, and have a good feeling about some calls and emails I've placed. Will go look at a place this evening.

My two classes for this semester I believe will be good ones---Debates in African Studies and Oral History. Plus I will have to be working on a thesis, so I've been brainstorming ideas for a research topic---I'll share that when I've decided.

This weekend will be the Rotary Scholar Orientation, which is a big event and will be the first time I will actually get to meet all the other scholars, though I have met 3 other scholars so far. This will be an event for all the incoming and outgoing scholars---should be great fun!

Well, I'm going to sign off for now, as it is Noon here, and lunch here is typically 1:00, so I try to beat the lunch crowd!

I will try get back on a little sooner this time. Sorry there was a delay this time, but getting all my ducks in a row for classes was a bit hectic and I just got into the labs on campus! My how the tables have turned, huh?

Hope all is well back home!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I went on the web to search my long lost friend, LaShona, to see she is now in South Africa. How exciting! Sounds like you are doing great. I would love to hear from you sometime.
