Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Climb Every Mountain....

or at least crawl up one very, very slowly! That's one thing I did during a jam packed Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Orientation Weekend! And what a weekend it was--I'm still recuperating.

All the scholars attending South African, and neighboring countries, universities and scholars from South Africa and nearby countries that are soon to be going to other countries to start their year abroud gathered for a weekend of fun, lots of information and quality time getting to know one another.

Lions Head--Look closely and you will see why it is called such!

Isn't this a beautiful view of Camps Bay?

Now, those folks who scampered up that mountain too fast may have missed this--I prefer the "take time to smell the roses" approach....also known as the "huff and puff your way up the mountain" approach, but I prefer the flowery description, though the latter is much more true to my form that day!

I'll share more about my adventurous weekend later!
Be sure to click on the La Shona's PicasaWeb on the left, as there are MORE PHOTOS!!!

And, it's been GREAT to hear from everyone! Keep those comments coming...I love hearing from you.



Unknown said...

what an incredible experience, all of us up there on that mountain and then drumming until our hearts pumped life back into our bodies... A jam-packed weeekend is always insufficient in fun and time, but I trust our paths will cross again that we may know eachother better. You are welcome in Durban anytime! :)

Anonymous said...

Gosh, what a great experience, LaShona! I hope you're enjoying every minute...even when you have to huff and puff. ;-)

- Wendy Wicks

Anonymous said...

LaShona, That must have been simply exhilarating. I think I would also take the time to smell the roses. Do they have those there? Did you run into any unique wildlife along the way?