Wednesday, June 6, 2007

How It All Began.......

I can sum up how my adventure to South Africa started in two words...........Erv Otte.

Erv is a long time member of the Bedford (Indiana) Rotary Club. I met Erv about 8 years ago when I started as the Coordinator for the Community Learning Center of Lawrence County. Erv often would share interesting stories with me about Youth Exchange Students and different projects he was involved with in the community.

Erv first approached me about 3 years ago regarding Rotary International's Group Study Exchange Program. This is a Rotary sponsored program that sends a team of young professionals to another country for a month of vocational & cultural exchange. I was fortunate enough to be chosen for the 2006 GSE Team from District #6580 to go to Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island.

It was a life changing experience and one that led me to apply for the Ambassadorial Scholarship program, which Erv had also informed me about. My team leader on the GSE trip and good friend, Yolanda, also encouraged me to apply for the scholarship.

On September 17th, 2006, I sat before a group of 10--9 Rotarians and 1 Scholar, to be interviewed for the 2007-2008 Ambassadorial Scholar.

On September 18th, I got the news that I was chosen to be the Ambassadorial Scholar for District #6580.

And so the journey begins.........

1 comment:

Bernie said...

Yeh Kido Congratulations on your new BLOG. It appears I may even be your first blogger and if so I am honored. First blog message ever for me also so it is a big event::)

This is a cool idea and something I should be doing myself given the excitement that keeps arising in my "adventure"

You are an inspiration to me and many others and I know you will have an adventure of a lifetime that will change your life even more. I am looking forward to my visit to Cape Town. Love Bernie